Dating and the Gig Economy: Balancing Work, Life, and Love

woman working with hearts around her

The gig economy has grown into an influential player in the fluid labor market, bringing with it advantages over more conventional forms of employment–gig workers have flexibility and freedom that traditional jobs can’t hold a candle to. 

Although the gig economy has a lot of benefits, it also poses certain issues for people who are attempting to juggle their jobs, personal lives, and, of course, their dating lives. 

Although the gig economy has a lot of benefits, it also poses certain issues for people who are attempting to juggle their jobs, personal lives, and, of course, their dating lives. 

We’re here to take a more in-depth look at some of the difficulties confronting gig workers as they try to find love, keep relationships going, and manage their personal time, all while negotiating the requirements of their unorthodox jobs!

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What is a Gig Worker?

Not quite sure what a gig worker is? Allow Indeed to explain exactly what gig work entails:

“A gig worker is a professional who, instead of receiving a regular income, receives wages based on the one-time projects or gigs they complete. In this flexible work environment, employers offer payment on a freelance or contractual basis for work opportunities that are available temporarily. For example, a company may hire contract workers to help with an unusually large project for a client. The gig economy refers to the high demand among employers for temporary employees and the environment in which these professionals work.”

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The Attraction of Gig Work

For most people, the gig economy is so great because of its flexibility—workers can set their own schedules, choose their tasks, and, in almost all cases, dictate their work environment. 

Want to work from your couch on your laptop? You can. Need a change of scenery or just to get out of the house? Head to a cafe or coffee shop with free WiFi and work there! 

This autonomy allows people to prioritize what matters most to them at different times—be that work, family, hobbies, or dating.

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Dating on Your Time

When it comes to dating in the gig economy, the opportunity to schedule work around your personal life is the most obvious perk. Because of this leeway, gig workers are free to schedule dates or spend time with their significant others outside of the typical 9 to 5. 

Being able to choose one’s own work schedule is amazing, but it also comes with the obligation to be very self-disciplined and have excellent time management skills.

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Coping with Unpredictable Income: A Con

There is a big trade-off between independence and financial instability in the gig economy. No matter what you’re saving for—a long-term commitment like marriage, a romantic vacation, or a special date—the future could be packed with surprises, and not good ones in terms of a financial windfall if your gigs are few and far between. 

And since being financially stable is usually regarded as a hallmark of being relationship-ready, it is even more important for those who are dating to have an upfront and honest conversation about their financial situation.

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Communication and Expectations

Due to their unpredictable work schedules, gig workers have to be mindful to communicate their availability and set clear expectations with their romantic partners. Significant others can encounter difficulties adapting to the loss of consistency or might feel ignored when the workload suddenly jumps. 

When asked about the secret to juggling their personal and professional life, successful gig economy daters will often cite keeping the lines of communication open.

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Building Relationships on Shifting Ground

New relationships can be further tested by the erratic nature of gig work–plans that were previously agreed to can be disrupted by unanticipated situations like long hours or last-minute gigs, creating disappointment and frustration. 

Successful couples in this setting generally use techniques like sharing calendars, checking in regularly, and having candid conversations about expectations and boundaries at work.

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Long-Term Planning with Short-Term Gigs

When it comes to more serious relationship milestones, such as moving in together, getting engaged, or planning a family, the gig economy’s lack of job security can be quite scary! 

Budgeting for couples in this position takes inventiveness and adaptability; for example, they might prioritize savings or use one partner’s steady income from a stable job to anchor their financial planning.

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The Impact on Social Life and Dating Opportunities

Trying to balance gig work with personal life can also have an impact on your social interactions and networking opportunities, which tend to be really important for meeting new people. 

Gig workers can feel cut off from social circles that primarily revolve around regular work schedules, so they may need to put in a little extra (or a lot of extra) effort to maintain and expand their social networks.

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The Benefits of Shared Gig Economy Experiences

Still, there are certain benefits to dating within the gig economy. It might be easier for partners who both work gigs to understand and adapt to each other’s schedules and lifestyles. 

People can synchronize their free time, share thoughts about dealing with unpredictability, and lend more empathetic support for each other’s contract careers.

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Digital Dating: A Gig Worker’s BFF

The expansion of the gig economy has coincided with the explosion of online dating, and a lot of gig workers opt to meet potential partners through dating apps

These platforms are always “on,” so they are perfect for accommodating odd hours so gig workers can connect with others based on their schedules and lifestyles, making it easier to find compatible matches.

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Success Stories: Making That Gig Work Life Work for You

Finding an ideal work-life balance can be done for gig workers; there are plenty of success stories illustrating this! 

An independent graphic designer, for instance, can decide to meet with clients throughout the day so that they have time in the evenings for themselves and their families. 

When one spouse is out of town, a rideshare driver can work late into the night; when the other is home, the driver could shift to daytime hours.

Final Thoughts

The dating world and the gig economy are a pretty good match with a few ups and downs, but there is no doubt that it also means more time and opportunities to build relationships that are flexible, communicative, and adaptive. 

And as the nature of gig work changes, so does everything in life; so too does the nature of dating and romantic relationships. Those in the gig economy who are able to master the art of balance find themselves not only succeeding in love but also setting new trends in how relationships can function in the changing economic landscape.

Molly Davis
Molly Davis

Molly is an East Coast writer who lives on West Coast time. She’s been in the journalism field for over 20 years — newspapers are her first love but she’s finding digital media to be just as fun and challenging as print! When she’s not giving therapist-quality dating advice, she’s curled up watching movies, reading, or volunteering at local dog shelters.