The 6 Best Hiking Dates in Boulder, CO

People on a Hiking Date

Hikers are a different breed of people—it takes a certain kind of stamina and pep to say, “Hey, why don’t we climb up a steep, possibly dangerous, trail…for funsies?”

I am certainly not a hiker but even I have hiked in Boulder, CO, so that should tell you something about the beauty of these majestic mountain routes.

Boulder, CO, is ranked among the best places for outdoor lovers and has a wild number of hiking spots—200 miles of trails within its city limits. On any given weekend, you’ll find couples exploring these beautiful paths, proving that hiking isn’t just for the hardcore or adrenaline junkies—it’s a fun date activity that mixes nature with a little bit of romance.

Why hike on a date? Well, it’s a different kind of date than the usual routine. Not only does it give couples a chance to connect with nature and each other, away (but not too far away from civilization) from the distractions of daily life, but the views are not to be missed. Boulder is a perfect backdrop for a daytime adventure.

So lace up those expensive trail sneakers, fill your Stanley tumbler with ice water, and let’s find out why hiking is an excellent date idea, especially in a place like Boulder. We’ll tell you the best trails that are great for a romantic outing so your next date is full of breathtaking views, fresh air, and great conversations. From the iconic Mount Sanitas Trailhead to the serene Chautauqua Park, we’ve got the best hiking dates in Boulder, CO!

The Appeal of Hiking Dates

Boulder, CO, is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, and hiking here is more than just a pastime—it’s a lifestyle. Boulder is an ideal setting for couples looking to add some adventure to their romance. Whether you’re an adept hiker or it’s your first time, a hiking date in Boulder can be a fantastic way to spend time together. Here’s why hiking makes such a great date activity and why Boulder is the picture-perfect place to do it!

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Health Benefits

Hiking provides a lot of physical and mental health benefits, making it a two-for-one choice for a date. Physically, hiking is a whole-body workout—it helps build strong muscles and bones, improves cardiovascular health, and improves balance and stability. Walking on uneven terrain engages your core muscles and improves coordination, reducing the risk of falls and injuries in daily life. As a bonus, hiking can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and improve glucose tolerance, making it a beneficial activity for people with diabetes and those looking to manage their weight.

In the mental wellness department, hiking has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Being in nature boosts mood and mental well-being by reducing rumination and negative thoughts. The fresh air, natural light, and the act of walking itself trigger the release of endorphins, which lift your mood and lessen stress. These mental benefits make hiking not only a healthy activity but also a fun one, providing a relaxed atmosphere perfect for connecting with a partner.

meaningful connection graphic

Chance for Connection

Hiking is also an excellent way to create connection and bonding between partners—the simple act of walking side by side through beautiful landscapes promotes conversation and strengthens relationships. Without the distractions of technology and everyday responsibilities, couples can focus on each other and spend true quality time together.

Moreover, the act of hiking can bring out teamwork and support as partners help each other through difficult parts of the trail or bask in the delight of discovering scenic viewpoints. This joint adventure encourages communication and cooperation, essential elements in any healthy and happy relationship!

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Scenic Beauty

Boulder’s natural beauty is unparalleled, offering a stunning backdrop for any hiking date. The area is known for its diverse landscapes, from the iconic Flatirons to lush forests and serene meadows. Hiking in Boulder provides a feast for the senses: the warmth of the sun, the sound of the wind rustling through the trees, and the earthy scent of the trail all contribute to an amazing sensory experience.

The visual appeal of Boulder’s is the main draw—trails like the Chautauqua Park have panoramic views of the city and mountains, while the trails in the Boulder Creek Path provide a tranquil escape along a burbling stream. The amount of scenery means that every hike has something new and beautiful right around the bend, making each outing novel and special.

In Boulder, hiking isn’t just a physical activity—it’s an experience that combines health benefits, opportunities for deep connection, and breathtaking beauty. Whether you’re looking to improve your physical fitness, strengthen your relationship, or simply enjoy the great outdoors, a hiking date in Boulder is an excellent choice. With its diverse trails and stunning landscapes, Boulder provides the perfect setting for a memorable and enriching date. So, grab your romantic partner and explore the trails of Boulder for an unforgettable adventure together.

Preparing for a Hiking Date

Now that you have decided on a hiking date, you need to prepare! Hiking requires more prep than a regular date—you’re going to be out in the elements and possibly at higher elevations than your body used to. Don’t worry! With good planning, your date will go swimmingly. Here’s a guide to getting ready for a hiking date in Boulder, CO, with essential gear, safety tips, and planning tips.

Essential Gear

You’re going to have to pack some gear to make sure you have everything you need, so make a checklist and make sure you have the following:

  • Appropriate Footwear – Wearing the right footwear is rule number one for a comfortable hike. Depending on the terrain, you might opt for hiking boots, hiking shoes, or trail-running shoes. Hiking boots provide the best support and protection for rough trails, while hiking shoes and trail-running shoes are fine for smoother paths. Make sure your footwear is well broken in to prevent blisters and discomfort. Wool or synthetic socks are recommended over cotton, as they wick moisture and reduce the risk of blisters.
  • Water and Snacks – Staying hydrated and energized is a must! A general rule of thumb is to carry about one liter of water per person for every two hours of hiking, but this can vary based on weather conditions and the hike’s intensity. Bring lightweight, high-energy snacks like trail mix, energy bars, or dried fruit. Packing extra food and water is always a smart move just in case your hike takes longer than expected.
  • Layered Clothing – Dressing in layers is important for staying comfortable during your hike. Start with moisture-wicking base layers to keep sweat away from your body. Add insulating layers like a fleece or lightweight jacket, and finish with a waterproof outer layer to protect against rain and wind. Stay away from cotton; it retains moisture and can make you cold. Instead, go with synthetic or wool materials that dry quickly and keep you warm even when wet.

Safety Tips

When you are hiking, safety is a no-brainer, but we have to do our due diligence and say the thing: safety first!

  • Checking the Weather – Always check the weather forecast before heading out. Mountain weather is not like regular weather and can change in a heartbeat, so be prepared for various conditions. If extreme weather is predicted, reschedule your hike. Even if the forecast looks good, you should pack for potential changes, including extra layers, rain gear, and SPF sun protection.
  • Telling Someone About Your Plans – Safety should always be a priority, so let someone know your hiking plans, including your exact route and ETAs. This information is crucial in case of an emergency. Additionally, carrying a map, compass, or GPS device is a smart move in terms of navigating and staying on track.
  • Knowing Your Limits – Pick a hiking trail that matches your fitness level and experience—overestimating your abilities can lead to exhaustion or injury. You wouldn’t try to ski down a black diamond trail when you belong on the bunny slope, right? Right! So start out with easier trails and gradually work your way up to more challenging hikes. Always listen to your body and be willing to turn back if you feel unwell or the trail becomes too difficult—there’s no shame in quitting.

Planning the Date

You have done the prep and taken the safety steps–now it’s time actually to plan the date!

  • Choosing the Right Trail Based on Fitness Levels -Boulder offers a variety of trails suited for different fitness levels. Research trails in advance to find one that fits both your and your partner’s abilities. Websites like AllTrails provide useful info on trail difficulty, length, and elevation gain. For beginners, go with trails like Chautauqua Park, which offers stunning views without being too strenuous. For more experienced hikers, the Flatirons Loop is a tough enough (but not too tough) challenge with breathtaking scenery.
  • Deciding on the Best Time of the Day – The time of day can greatly affect your hiking experience. Early morning hikes can be cooler and less crowded, providing a serene environment for your date. However, start early enough to complete the hike before dark. Sunset hikes can be romantic, but carry headlamps or flashlights if you’ll be returning in low-light conditions.

A hiking date in Boulder is a delightful and adventurous way to connect with your romantic partner. By prepping with the right gear, prioritizing safety, and planning out the details of your hike, you can have a smooth and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re exploring the gentler trails of Chautauqua Park or tackling the more challenging paths of the Flatirons, the key is to enjoy the hike and each other’s company!

Top 6 Hiking Trails in Boulder for a Romantic Date

Boulder, Colorado, is a literal paradise for nature lovers-its hiking trails combine breathtaking scenery with a touch of romance. Whether you’re planning a first date or looking to rekindle your connection with your partner, we chose the top six hiking trails that will get your hearts racing and have you swooning!

Chautauqua Park and Bluebell Trail Loop

Chautauqua Park is a historic and scenic area that stands as one of Boulder’s most beloved hiking destinations. Its proximity to downtown Boulder makes it easily accessible, and its diverse trail system caters to hikers of every skill level. The park’s rich history and natural beauty make it a prime spot for a romantic hiking date. Here are the best trails in Chautauqua Park!

Chautauqua Park Trails

Flatirons Loop Trail

  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Length: Approximately 2.6 miles
  • Highlights: The Flatirons Loop Trail offers hikers a chance to marvel at the majestic Flatirons, Boulder’s iconic rock formations. This moderately challenging trail features a mix of rocky paths and forested areas, providing a variety of scenic views along the way. The trail is well-marked and offers several vantage points where couples can pause to take in the absolutely stunning landscape.

Royal Arch Trail

  • Difficulty: Challenging
  • Length: About 3.5 miles round trip
  • Highlights: For those seeking a more strenuous hike, the Royal Arch Trail is a rewarding choice. This trail includes a significant elevation gain and features steep, rocky sections. The hike culminates at the Royal Arch, a natural sandstone arch that offers panoramic views of Boulder and beyond. The challenging terrain makes the arrival at the arch even more satisfying, providing a sense of accomplishment and a breathtaking backdrop for photos.

Romantic Appeal

Chautauqua Park’s combination of natural beauty and historical significance adds to its romantic allure. Couples can enjoy a variety of experiences here, from leisurely strolls to more intense hikes. The park has a lot of picnic spots where couples can relax and enjoy a meal together, surrounded by the stunning views of the Flatirons and lush landscapes. The historic Chautauqua Auditorium and Dining Hall also add a unique charm to the park, making it a super versatile spot for a date!

Mount Sanitas Trailhead

Mount Sanitas Trailhead is a very popular hiking destination due to its close proximity to downtown Boulder. This trailhead offers hikers a quick escape into nature without needing to venture far from the city. Known for its challenging terrain and rewarding views, it attracts both fitness junkies and casual hikers looking for a scenic adventure.

Mount Sanitas Trailhead

Mount Sanitas Trail

  • Difficulty: Steep and challenging
  • Length: Approximately 3.2 miles round trip
  • Highlights: The Mount Sanitas Trail is perfect for those looking for a rigorous workout. This trail features steep ascents and rocky paths, making it a great choice for fitness enthusiasts. The strenuous climb is well worth it, as hikers are rewarded with panoramic views of Boulder and the surrounding areas from the summit.

Sanitas Valley Trail

  • Difficulty: Easier and more leisurely
  • Length: Approximately 2.2 miles round trip
  • Highlights: For a more relaxed hike, the Sanitas Valley Trail offers a gentler alternative. This trail winds through a beautiful valley with a gradual incline, making it accessible for all fitness levels. It’s an excellent option for a leisurely walk while still providing scenic views and a chance to enjoy Boulder’s natural beauty.

Romantic Appeal

Mount Sanitas Trailhead combines diverse terrain with stunning views, making it an ideal spot for a romantic hike. The trails offer varying levels of difficulty, allowing couples to choose a route that suits their preferences. The panoramic city views from the Mount Sanitas summit are particularly breathtaking, providing a picturesque backdrop for a memorable outing. Whether tackling the steep climbs or enjoying a gentle stroll through the valley, the diverse landscapes and serene environment create the perfect setting for partners to connect and take in the beauty of Boulder together.

Boulder Creek Path

Boulder Creek Path is a favorite trail that winds its way through the heart of Boulder, CO, following the serene Boulder Creek. This scenic path offers a peaceful retreat for hikers, bikers, and walkers, providing easy access to nature while remaining close to the city’s amenities. Stretching from the eastern edge of Boulder to the western foothills, the path showcases a host of landscapes and recreational activities. Here are the best sections to check out on your hiking date!

Boulder Creek Path

Downtown to Eben G. Fine Park

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Length: Approximately 1.5 miles one way
  • Highlights: This section of the Boulder Creek Path is perfect for a leisurely stroll. Starting from downtown Boulder, the path meanders along the creek, offering picturesque views of the water and surrounding greenery. Eben G. Fine Park, a popular destination along this route, provides open green spaces, picnic areas, and shaded spots ideal for a relaxing break. The easy terrain and beautiful scenery make this section particularly appealing for couples looking for a simple but nonetheless charming walk.

East Boulder to Central Boulder

  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Length: Approximately 3 miles one way
  • Highlights: This longer stretch of the Boulder Creek Path takes hikers from the more urban environment of East Boulder to the more secluded, natural areas of Central Boulder. As you move westward, the path becomes quieter and more enveloped by nature, providing a tranquil escape from the busier sections near downtown. Along the way, you’ll find less crowded spots perfect for intimate moments and scenic views that boost the romantic atmosphere of the hike.

Romantic Appeal

Boulder Creek Path is probably one of the most romantic destinations on this list—its easy accessibility from various points in Boulder makes it convenient for spontaneous outings or planned dates. The path’s close proximity to the creek means that you’re never far from the soothing sounds of flowing water, which adds to the trail’s relaxing ambiance.

The natural beauty along Boulder Creek Path is a major draw for couples—whether you’re enjoying the amazing fall colors, the lush greenery of spring and summer, or the serene winter landscapes, the trail offers a stunning backdrop for a romantic walk. There are lots of picnic areas along the path, especially in spots like Eben G. Fine Park, so couples can bring along a picnic and enjoy a lovely meal by the water.

Additionally, the trail’s variety of environments—from the bustling downtown area to the quieter, more secluded sections—allows couples to curate their experience. Those who prefer a lively, social atmosphere can enjoy the downtown stretch, while those looking for a little more solitude can venture further east or west for a more intimate experience.

NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) Trailhead

The NCAR Trailhead, located at the National Center for Atmospheric Research facility in Boulder, has a host of hiking trails for all different skill levels. Starting out from the NCAR facility, hikers can take in the stunning views of the Flatirons, diverse terrains, and educational displays about atmospheric science and weather. The trails here are much less crowded compared to other popular spots in Boulder, making it a perfect destination for a peaceful and romantic hike.

NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) Trailhead

Mesa Trail

  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Length: Approximately 6.7 miles one way
  • Highlights: The Mesa Trail is a favorite among hikers for its sweeping views of the Flatirons and surrounding foothills. This trail offers a moderate hike with gradual elevation changes, making it accessible for most fitness levels. Along the way, hikers can enjoy panoramic vistas, different plant life, and the serene beauty of Boulder’s natural landscape.

Mallory Cave Trail

  • Difficulty: Challenging
  • Length: Approximately 2.7 miles round trip
  • Highlights: For those seeking a bit more of an adventurous hike, the Mallory Cave Trail presents a steeper and more challenging route. The trail leads to a super cool cave, which is a great destination for curious hikers. The path includes some rocky and steep sections, requiring a bit more effort, but the sense of adventure and the stunning views along the way make it all worthwhile.

Romantic Appeal

The NCAR Trailhead provides a romantic setting for couples looking to enjoy nature and each other’s company. The trails offer breathtaking vistas of the Flatirons and the surrounding areas, making it an ideal place for scenic walks and memorable moments. The educational displays at the NCAR facility add a learning element to the hike, allowing couples to find out more about atmospheric science and weather patterns as they explore.

The relative seclusion of the trails starting from the NCAR facility means that hikers can enjoy a quieter, more intimate experience compared to other, more crowded trails in Boulder. This tranquility, combined with the stunning natural beauty and the unique destinations along the trails, makes the NCAR Trailhead a perfect choice for a romantic outing.

Flagstaff Mountain

Flagstaff Mountain, located just west of Boulder, is renowned for its breathtaking views of the city and the surrounding landscapes. This popular destination offers a variety of trails that cater to different hiking preferences and skill levels. The mountain is easily accessible, making it a great spot for both locals and out-of-towners looking to enjoy nature and stunning vistas. As for the best trails at Flagstaff Mountain, look below!

Flagstaff Mountain

Panorama Point

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Length: Approximately 0.5 miles round trip
  • Highlights: Panorama Point is one of the most accessible and rewarding hikes on Flagstaff Mountain. This short, easy trail leads to a scenic overlook that offers incredible views of Boulder and the distant plains. It’s an excellent choice for a quick hike that doesn’t require much effort but provides a pretty big payoff in terms of scenery.

Gregory Canyon Trail

  • Difficulty: Challenging
  • Length: Approximately 3.4 miles round trip
  • Highlights: The Gregory Canyon Trail is perfect for those looking for a more challenging hike. This trail features varied terrain, including rocky paths, steep inclines, and shaded forest sections. The diverse landscape keeps the hike interesting and rewarding, with plenty of opportunities to take in the natural beauty of the area. The trail offers several viewpoints along the way, making it a scenic and fun hike.

Romantic Appeal

Flagstaff Mountain is a wonderful locale for a romantic outing due to the number of scenic overlooks and tranquil environment. Panorama Point, in particular, is a fav spot for couples to watch the sunset in a picturesque setting that’s perfect for special moments. The wide-open views allow for stunning sunset vistas, making it an ideal place to end the day on a high note.

In addition to sunset views, Flagstaff Mountain is also an excellent spot for looking up at the night sky! The mountain’s elevation and relatively low light pollution make it a prime location for watching the stars—couples can bring a blanket and settle in for an evening of watching the twinkling stars above.

Enchanted Mesa and McClintock Trail

The Enchanted Mesa and McClintock Trail network gives hikers accessible trails that wind through enchanting forests and meadows (it’s called Enchanted Mesa for a reason). Located near Chautauqua Park in Boulder, these trails are a serene escape with beautiful views and a peaceful atmosphere. Ideal for a chill hike or a romantic stroll, these trails showcase the natural beauty of the area and are great for those looking to enjoy a quieter, less busy (no bottlenecks like on some crowded paths) hiking experience. Here are its best trails:

Enchanted Mesa and McClintock Trail

Enchanted Mesa Trail

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Length: Approximately 1.9 miles round trip
  • Highlights: The Enchanted Mesa Trail is a gentle hike that takes you through dense pine forests and open meadows. This trail is a tranquil experience with its shaded paths and scenic views, making it a great choice for an easy hike. The forested sections provide a cool, refreshing environment, while the meadows give hikers plenty of opportunities to see local wildlife and enjoy the beauty of the natural landscape.

McClintock Trail

  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Length: Approximately 1.7 miles round trip
  • Highlights: The McClintock Trail connects to the Enchanted Mesa Trail and offers a slightly more challenging hike. This trail features a mix of forested areas and open spaces, with some elevation gain that adds to the workout. The McClintock Trail enhances the hiking experience with its varied terrain and beautiful views, providing an engaging hike that complements the easier Enchanted Mesa Trail.

Romantic Appeal

The Enchanted Mesa and McClintock Trail system is perfect for couples seeking a quiet, intimate hiking experience. The trails are less trafficked compared to other popular hiking spots in Boulder, allowing for a more private and peaceful outing. The enchanting forest paths and open meadows create a magical atmosphere that is ideal for a romantic walk.

The serene environment and natural beauty of these trails make them an excellent choice for a date. Couples can enjoy the sights and sounds of nature, from the rustling of the pine trees to the chirping of birds. The trails’ relative seclusion offers a chance to connect and enjoy each other’s company without the distractions of a crowded trail. Whether you’re walking hand-in-hand through the forest or sitting together in a meadow, the Enchanted Mesa and McClintock Trail provide a charming and unforgettable hiking experience.

Enhancing the Hiking Date Experience

Hiking dates are a fab way to spend your first meetup with that cutie from a dating app or just bond with your partner while taking in the great outdoors. Want to make the experience even more special? You can add some extra elements to level up the experience!

Picnic Ideas

Bust out that wicker picnic basket and pack a romantic meal that packs a punch. You can fill up your basket right in Boulder—there are plenty of local delicacies that you can sample. Think about grabbing some artisanal cheeses and cured meats from Cured (located at 1825 Pearl Street), or pick up freshly baked bread and pastries from Breadworks (at 2644 Broadway). For a sweeter touch, add some chocolates from Piece, Love & Chocolate (805 Pearl Street) or fresh fruits from the Boulder Farmers Market (open Saturdays).

Romantic Picnic Spots Along the Trails

  • Chautauqua Park: This iconic spot offers expansive green fields with stunning views of the Flatirons, making it a perfect location for a picnic. You can enjoy your fare while surrounded by nature’s beauty.
  • Lover’s Hill Park: Known for its hidden alcove and beautiful wildflowers, this park provides a private and romantic setting. And it’s *chefs kiss* perfect for watching the sunset over Boulder.
  • Boulder Creek Path: Find a quiet spot along the creek, listen to the bubbling water in a shaded area, and bask in the ambiance.

Interactive Activities

If you’re nervous that hiking won’t be stimulating enough for a date, do not panic! There are things you can do while on said hike that will keep the energy up and the convo going!

  • Bird Watching: For fans of the avian, why not bring along a pair of binoculars and a bird guidebook to identify local bird species? Boulder’s diverse habitats are a great spot to see various birds. This activity can be both educational and fun for bird watchers!
  • Geocaching: Join the global treasure hunt by using a GPS device or smartphone to find hidden geocaches along your hiking route. Geocaching adds a touch of fun and discovery to your hike, making it a competitive and interactive activity for couples.
  • Trail Games: Play simple games like “20 Questions” or “Would You Rather” while hiking. These games are not only entertaining but also help you learn more about each other in a fun way!

Post-Hike Plans

Don’t want the date to end after your hike is over? It doesn’t have to! You’re in Boulder, and there is plenty to do and see! You can extend the date by visiting one of Boulder’s cozy cafés or breweries. For a relaxing coffee break, you can head to Trident Booksellers and Café (940 Pearl Street), where you can enjoy a warm beverage in a laid-back atmosphere. If you prefer something stronger, try Avery Brewing Company (4910 Nautilus Court) or Boulder Beer Company (2880 Wilderness Place) for a taste of local craft beers.

  • Relaxing at a Nearby Park or Attraction: Consider visiting Flagstaff Mountain for its panoramic views and picnic areas. It’s a great spot to unwind and watch the sunset. Another great option is to explore Pearl Street Mall, a pedestrian street lined with shops, restaurants, and street performers. It’s a bustling area that is perfect for exploring and enjoying Boulder’s local culture.

Your Next Great Hiking Date Awaits in Boulder

Boulder, Colorado, is heaven for outdoor lovers—if you want to experience an unforgettable hiking date, look no further. With over 200 trails and gorgeous natural landscapes, Boulder is the perfect backdrop for a romantic rendezvous.

Here’s a recap of the top six hiking destinations!

Chautauqua Park and Bluebell Trail Loop:

  • Flatirons Loop Trail: A moderate hike offering close-up views of the iconic Flatirons and diverse terrain.
  • Royal Arch Trail: A challenging hike leading to a natural sandstone arch with panoramic views.

Mount Sanitas Trailhead:

  • Mount Sanitas Trail: A steep and challenging hike ideal for fitness enthusiasts, with rewarding views at the summit.
  • Sanitas Valley Trail: An easier, more leisurely hike through a beautiful valley.

Boulder Creek Path:

  • Downtown to Eben G. Fine Park: An easy, picturesque walk along the creek.
  • East Boulder to Central Boulder: A longer, more secluded hike with tranquil spots.

NCAR Trailhead:

  • Mesa Trail: A moderate hike with sweeping views of the Flatirons.
  • Mallory Cave Trail: A more challenging trail leading to an interesting cave destination.

Flagstaff Mountain:

  • Panorama Point: A short, easy hike with amazing views.
  • Gregory Canyon Trail: A more challenging trail with varied terrain.

Enchanted Mesa and McClintock Trail:

  • Enchanted Mesa Trail: An easy hike through enchanting pine forests.
  • McClintock Trail: A moderate trail connecting to Enchanted Mesa, offering varied terrain and beautiful views

Boulder’s hiking trails are a truly special mix of adventure and romance—you can start your day with a beautiful hike through the enchanting forests of Enchanted Mesa or tackle the challenging terrain of the Royal Arch Trail together. Each trail has its own distinctive charm, from the stunning views at Panorama Point to the peaceful beauty along Boulder Creek.

Pack a picnic with some local goodies, wander through the landscapes, and soak in the breathtaking views that Boulder has to offer. Why not plan your next hiking date in Boulder? Uncover the magic of these beautiful trails and enjoy the natural wonders together. Boulder’s trails are just waiting to be explored.

Molly Davis
Molly Davis

Molly is an East Coast writer who lives on West Coast time. She’s been in the journalism field for over 20 years — newspapers are her first love but she’s finding digital media to be just as fun and challenging as print! When she’s not giving therapist-quality dating advice, she’s curled up watching movies, reading, or volunteering at local dog shelters.