Online Dating

Gen Z vs. Millennials | Differences in Online Dating Habits and Preferences

Gen Z Vs. Millennial Online Dating

As a Gen X-er, I can say with authority that when observing how the shifting landscape of technological advancements has completely transformed how people connect and form relationships, particularly in online dating, we older folk are a little intimidated. We’re not jealous or bitter that we had to meet people IRL before the advent of…

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The Role of Social Media in Online Dating | Are We Oversharing or Just Sharing Enough?

Social media in online dating

Who would’ve thought a couple of decades ago that you’d be able to swipe right on someone while sitting in your pajamas, elbow-deep in a bag of Doritos, and binge-watching an entire season of a show on Netflix (or Hulu, or Prime, or AppleTV–there are too many options to list)? And no, I’m not talking

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What Your Profile Picture Says About You and the Psychology Behind It

Woman taking selfie

The all-important dating app profile picture–it’s the first impression you give the digital world, a small square that can hold a thousand words, thoughts, or emotions about you. Ever wondered why someone chooses a specific profile photo? Why did they pick that weird pose? Why that super serious, even stern, face? Or even, why no

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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Online Dating

Machine learning and online dating

If you had the sinking sensation artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is steadily and stealthily creeping their robotic way into every nook and cranny of our lives, you’re not wrong; this tech is here to stay.  And while it’s not everywhere—yet—it’s definitely taken on a bigger role in online dating, to the surprise of no

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The Role of Love Languages in Online Dating | How to Communicate Effectively

Couple embracing with heart background

Greetings, lovebirds! Are you tired of feeling like your love life is lost in translation? Do you feel you’re speaking different languages to your potential partner? Fear not, because today, we’re diving into the world of love languages and how they can help you communicate effectively at every stage of your relationship. If you’ve been

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