Anniversaries are a lovely way to celebrate your time together as a couple! It doesn’t really matter how long you’ve been together, if you’re married, in a relationship, or have been dating; if you’re blissfully happy and want to celebrate your one-month anniversary, we say, “Why not?”
And while some people are super serious about their milestones, as is their right, we thought we’d take a lighter look at the trials and tribulations of romantic relationships with these funny happy anniversary memes!

Happy Anniversary
This first one needs no explanation. Or maybe it needs one. We don’t know, we just find the idea of a T-Rex brandishing dynamite and a machine gun bursting out of the ocean on a great white shark to wish you a happy anniversary absolutely hilarious.

And We’ll Just Put a Little Happy Anniversary Right Here. Yeah, That’s Nice.
If Bob Ross and his Afro don’t lift your spirits, we don’t know what to tell you—this man was a treasure and is wishing you a happy anniversary with his favorite medium!

I Know I Won’t See You But Happy Anniversary
This one is so wrong, but it is also so funny. Sorry Stevie Wonder! This one goes out to all those long-distance couples who won’t get to see each other in person on their anniversary.

Breaking News Folks! We’ve Got 2 People That Are Still Married and Actually Might Love Each Other. Happy Anniversary! Stay Classy.
Anchorman Ron Burgundy donned his burgundy suit and issued a breaking news alert about couples who have been together for a long time. Alert the media—we’ve got a happy couple celebrating another very happy anniversary!

Happy Anniversary You Make Me Not So Grumpy
RIP, Grumpy Cat, you absolute legend. This feline ruled the meme world for years, and for good reason. Just look at that sour puss being a little less sour because it’s your anniversary!

I’ll Love You Even When We’re Old and Wrinkly Happy Anniversary
Awww! Look at these wrinkly units! These two adorable Sharpei pups are the perfect metaphor for older couples who are celebrating growing older (and saggier) together.

Happy 1 Year Anniversary May the Odds Be In Your Favor
You’ve made it to a year, look at you! And look at Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games acknowledging this accomplishment in her oh-so-Effie flamboyant manner.

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!!! What Do U Mean U Didn’t Know We Were in a Relationship
Um, yeah, this one is for those of you who are in a situationship or any kind of complicated romantic relationship. Or not a relationship. It’s complicated. This meme explains that pretty well.

Let’s Celebrate The Day You Gave Up On Finding Anyone Better Than Me
Well, well, well, if it isn’t the snarky couple who roast each other by reminding each other that they’re a real catch.

That Face You Make When She Asks For an Anniversary Gift
Ruh roh, you’re about to be in the doghouse if you forgot it was your anniversary! Don’t get caught out like this shocked Boxer on your special day—put it on a calendar so you remember to get her a present.
Whether it’s your first anniversary or your 25th, we hope you find some humor in these happy anniversary memes! Maybe you know a happy couple that is celebrating. What better way to join in the celebration than by sending a heartfelt anniversary meme their way! Whether it’s you and your SO or your BFF couple, we say to you “may the odds be ever in your favor for many more years of a happy, healthy romance!”