If you had the sinking sensation artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is steadily and stealthily creeping their robotic way into every nook and cranny of our lives, you’re not wrong; this tech is here to stay.
And while it’s not everywhere—yet—it’s definitely taken on a bigger role in online dating, to the surprise of no one. AI and ML blend seamlessly with the goal of dating apps–and that’s to help singles find and connect with truly compatible people. So don’t be scared of the big bad robots coming for your job; when it comes to online dating, AI and ML can and will help your romantic prospects. Seems too good to be true, right? It’s not, we promise!
Exactly how and why has the addition of AI and ML into online dating platforms changed them for the better? We can explain it for those of you who don’t really get what artificial intelligence and machine learning is!

Enhanced Personalized Matchmaking
In the olden days, when you opened up whatever dating app you were using, you had to carve out at least a few hours in order to scroll or swipe through dating profile after dating profile with the slim to none hope that one out of hundreds would spark your interest. Well, those days are gone, thanks to AI dating apps.
You can give a hearty round of applause to AI matching algorithms for the help–these babies have fundamentally altered the online dating landscape in the best possible way—they learn from your scrolling and swiping habits on a dating app so they can recommend highly compatible matches tailored just for you. Yes, you!
These super smart AI models are a triple threat; they can pick apart your personal preferences, interests, who you like, and, more importantly, who you don’t like, and use all of those precious details to suggest matches you’ll actually click with.
Not only does this mean less time spent scouring a dating app for a compatible match, but it means you’re getting curated, highly compatible matches in your dating app recs–just for you! Don’t you feel special?

Better User Experiences
It’s really a no-brainer that AI and ML are welcome and much-needed improvements to online dating–particularly when it comes to user experience.
Did you know that on some dating apps like Teaser AI, you can actually summon AI chatbots to help you with those awkward first conversations? We’re kinda jealous we didn’t have these witty wingmen back in the day! AI chatbots have the ability to learn and improve with every single interaction, enabling them to increasingly mimic genuine human conversations the longer they are employed.
Some dating apps even offer AI-powered real-time language translation, which enables users from different countries and cultural backgrounds to communicate—this exponentially expands the dating pool for those who want to connect with people who they wouldn’t have been able to before!

Perfected Profile Curation
Dating app profile created is a science—literally. There are tons of scientific-backed studies about what draws people to certain profiles and why.
Not only does this give a valuable assist to people who struggle to create an interesting dating profile, but when they start getting compatible matches, their confidence about being on dating apps can go sky high.

Enhanced Security and Safety
You’d be surprised by the number of people who steer completely clear from using dating apps out of fear for their safety, whether it’s concern over meeting random strangers on the internet or they don’t want to share any data in case a platform is hacked.
By adding AI and ML to dating platforms, you can feel more at ease that the people you’re talking to are actually real and not after your wallet or catfishing you for some other nefarious reason. How? Easily—sophisticated algorithms can analyze and then identify suspicious patterns and behaviors by bots or fake accounts–bots recognize bots!
When AI and ML models alert moderators or customer support teams that there are fake profiles or shady users in the mix, they can boot them right off the platform.
This cuts down on users who aren’t there for the right reasons, safeguarding the actual members who are there for the right reasons.

Reducing Bias and Enhancing Inclusivity
Bias and discrimination can, and often do, creep into online dating platforms, hindering opportunities for singles from marginalized groups who are looking for love.
Move over Cupid, because artificial intelligence and machine learning have joined forces with online dating to create a love revolution! It’s like the tech-savvy version of a romantic comedy, where algorithms play matchmaker and sparks fly in the digital realm.
Dating apps have changed the game when it comes to finding love–and know they are upping the ante by using sophisticated technology to make sure you have the best possible experience! From personalizing your matches to helping you build real connections, it’s all about making dating easier and more meaningful.
And while we can’t deny the positive aspects that AI and ML continue to have on online dating, remember that there is no replacing actual human interaction, no matter how evolved the technology.
AI and ML are here to stay—they are at the forefront of technological advancement—and the continued integration means that searching for love online will be a much easier and more streamlined journey rather than a dreaded slog trying to find “the one.”