Online Dating Blog by

Welcome everyone to our online dating blog! This is where we start to really have some fun by being able to create some very fun and unique articles that hit home for all different types of people. We pull topics from all over the world and directly from comments and questions that we receive from real users. Our goal here is to make sure we are hammering down on the real-life issues going on when it comes to relationships and online dating.

With that in mind, please enjoy browsing through all of the articles throughout this blog!

Waiting for Marriage | Perspectives on Physical Intimacy in Christian Dating

christian bride and groom

The topic of getting physically close often makes Christian daters feel kinda awkward—the Bible says some intense stuff about intimacy before marriage that goes way beyond just following trends or personal choices.  It’s straight up a sin, and waiting for marriage to do the deed is not just an expression of faith—it’s about your obedience

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The Role of Genetics in Dating

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The field of genetics testing, which originally focused on medical diagnostics and ancestry tracing, is now poised to expand into new realms—one of them being matchmaking. But is that a good thing? If you haven’t seen the Apple Original movie Fingernails and want to see a fictional version of how it would work, we suggest

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Scarcity Mindset in Dating | How It’s Holding You Back and How to Overcome It

woman thinking with dating app on smartphone icon

You always hear that “less is more,” right? Yes, that’s true when you’re talking about decluttering your closet a la Marie Kondo or using wasabi with your sushi.  But when it relates to dating, that kind of thinking is probably doing more harm than good. If you’ve ever found yourself lying awake at 3 a.m.

Scarcity Mindset in Dating | How It’s Holding You Back and How to Overcome It Read More »

10 Funny Happy Anniversary Memes

woman lauging at phone with laughing emoji

Anniversaries are a lovely way to celebrate your time together as a couple! It doesn’t really matter how long you’ve been together, if you’re married, in a relationship, or have been dating; if you’re blissfully happy and want to celebrate your one-month anniversary, we say, “Why not?” And while some people are super serious about

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The Rise of Dating Apps in Developing Countries | How Technology is Shaping Romance Worldwide

man on dating app with globe and thumbs up icons

Over the past few years, dating apps have seen a huge surge in popularity in developing countries. Were you aware that the global user base for dating apps hit 350 million in 2023? That’s an amazing increase from the previous year. And this upward trend isn’t just in urban areas; even regions with limited internet

The Rise of Dating Apps in Developing Countries | How Technology is Shaping Romance Worldwide Read More »