Online Dating Blog by

Welcome everyone to our online dating blog! This is where we start to really have some fun by being able to create some very fun and unique articles that hit home for all different types of people. We pull topics from all over the world and directly from comments and questions that we receive from real users. Our goal here is to make sure we are hammering down on the real-life issues going on when it comes to relationships and online dating.

With that in mind, please enjoy browsing through all of the articles throughout this blog!

Memorial Day Mingle | How Dating Apps Are Changing the Way We Connect on Holiday Weekends

American Flag for memorial day and dating app icon with fireworks and hearts

Memorial Day is fast approaching, and you don’t have a date. In fact, you haven’t had a date for the past eight holidays, and now it’s wearing a little thin. At every family event you attend, they ask why you’re still alone. Even your little cousin—the one you used to babysit—is getting married next month,

Memorial Day Mingle | How Dating Apps Are Changing the Way We Connect on Holiday Weekends Read More »

AI Dating Advice | Can You Give Me Tips on How to Hide My Flatulence during a Romantic Moment?

Can You Give Me Tips on How to Hide My Flatulence during a Romantic Moment?

Hi everyone! We’re back and continuing to ask ChatGPT for advice for our new ongoing series of blogs featuring relationships and dating inquiries as received from artificial intelligence. So keep asking, and we’ll use our interactive and unique way to answer all your questions about dating and relationships. ChatGPT will give their take on how

AI Dating Advice | Can You Give Me Tips on How to Hide My Flatulence during a Romantic Moment? Read More »

Beach Bum Romance | The Best Dating Apps for Finding Your Memorial Day Beach Buddy

couple kneeling on the beach

It’s a love story for the ages. You meet them. There’s an instant spark, an undeniable connection. The energy vibrates in the room when you’re together, and you just can’t explain it. Touching them is eclectic, like they’re made of lighting, and you’re a conductor struck by their charge. When you kiss for the first

Beach Bum Romance | The Best Dating Apps for Finding Your Memorial Day Beach Buddy Read More »

Sugar First Date | Planning an Unforgettable and Lavish Experience with Your Dating App Match

Rich couple on private jet

Oh, baby! Pour some sugar on me–in the name of love! Okay, yeah, I just quoted Def Leppard because, come on, we’re about to get sugar and sweet and everything nice. Before we sprinkle some flavor on this blog post, let’s look at what exactly it means to be in a sugar relationship–because if this

Sugar First Date | Planning an Unforgettable and Lavish Experience with Your Dating App Match Read More »

10 Rules Elon Musk Makes his Wives and Girlfriends Follow (Allegedly)

Elon Musk

Let’s be honest here, Elon Musk is, well, different. Most billionaires have eccentricities that we “common folk” don’t have. So, it’s no surprise that he has strict rules that his girlfriends and wives must follow. Among the world’s billionaires, Elon Musk is probably one of the most well-known and eccentric. His tried and true, faithful

10 Rules Elon Musk Makes his Wives and Girlfriends Follow (Allegedly) Read More »